Raising Next Generation for the Kingdom of God to Make a Better World

Boys & Girls Students
+ 0
Highly Educated Teachers
inauguration of NCSS
Free Education
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“Jesus for All Nations”


In Jesus we are one body, one tribe, one global family. NCSS is committed to reaching the world having Love of Jesus in our heartsThe BIBLE is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word of God.

There is ONE GOD, eternally existent in three Persons:

  • God The Father
  • God The Son
  • God The Holy Spirit

We have firm believe that by reaching under developed, marginalized and neglected masses living in under developed countries of Africa and Asia. Going beyond boundaries of religion, cast, creed, nationality, ethnicity and race. Our heart is filled with the unconditional love of God.

Recent Events & Activities

How can you help us?

Not because of anything we’ve done, but because God actively invites us to join with him in transforming lives. Transformation begins with God in us and spreads as we join with God and each other in our communities.

Among the greatest of all services that can be rendered by a men to Almighty God, is the education and training of children, so that they can foster by grace in the way of salvation, like pearls of divine bounty in the shell of education and will be one day the jewel in the crown of abiding glory. A teacher is the main building block for any educational institute. We are committed to paying them favorable salaries to acknowledge their services. On other hands, we are training them to be disciples of God. We need your support and love to make this dream true. Come and join hands to celebrate change.

three Ways to Help Us.

Give me

We strongly believe that a good education is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty and can create a better future for children and their families. That is why we promote education in each of the communities by facilitating sponsorships for thousands of students who otherwise would not have a chance to attend. When we invite you to sponsor a student, we are inviting you to invest in their future.

Sponsor a child

We strongly believe that a good education is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty and can create a better future for children and their families. That is why we promote education in each of the communities by facilitating sponsorships for thousands of students who otherwise would not have a chance to attend. When we invite you to sponsor a student, we are inviting you to invest in their future.

Sponsor a teacher

We strongly believe that a good education is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty and can create a better future for children and their families. That is why we promote education in each of the communities by facilitating sponsorships for thousands of students who otherwise would not have a chance to attend. When we invite you to sponsor a student, we are inviting you to invest in their future.

we will assist you in any issue and conflict



“Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go; Even When He Is Old He Will Not Depart From It.”

Proverbs 22:6